Dathan easter 2010

Dathan easter 2010

6 of my children and sister's children on easter sunday

6 of my children and sister's children on easter sunday

My oldest son 16

My oldest son 16

My son Ty 15

My son Ty 15

My daughter Ameera 14 years old

My daughter Ameera 14 years old

My son Nigel 13 years old

My son Nigel 13 years old

My son Meshon 11 years old

My son Meshon 11 years old

This is my daughter Anayzia 8 years old

This is my daughter Anayzia 8 years old

Nathan and Dathan

Nathan and Dathan

David 2 months

David 2 months

Monday, May 10, 2010

It's been oh so long since my last post, but I've been oh so busy. I just had another baby boy David born February 17th 2010, "healthy". My big boy Dathan is taking ok to him, if i go into the bathroom I bring Dathan with me. He's kind of rough with him. He's learning more and more everyday, Dathan tries to repeat everything he hears. Were still struggling with EATING, I pray he can learn to eat fast. He wants to eat all the time, when we go out he throws up in the restaurants all the time. I just get up and apologize and leave a big tip . I don't want to tell him no he can't eat or do I want to leave him home so I guess I have to hold my head high.